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Shady Saturday Venutres

Happy Saturday readers!

I can't believe it is already the weekend again, but I am not complaining.

It was was my first week back to my masters since the January exams, and as nervous as I am about whats to come over the following few months, I was so happy to get back into routine and study again (I'm a serious geek for those who don't know).

I am lucky enough to get three day weekends so my plans so far are to soak up every last minute of social life and relaxation before the real craziness begins again.

As like every student, I made promises to myself for this semester which I know will only last about a month tops... but here are my top three:

1. Eat well, bring in lunches and stay hydrated (with the occasional glass of bubbles )

2. Read, Read, Read!!!!

3. Stay organised and on top of assignments.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, talk to you soon,

Love Em.


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